Grade 6

Subject Teacher: Anja Gharaibah


Unit 5:


Global Concept: 

Personal and cultural expression

Key Concept:


Related Concept:

Interpretation, Style

Conceptual Understanding:

Aesthetics of abstract styles are subject to interpretation  
Statement of inquiry 
Students will understand that the aesthetics of abstract styles are subject to interpretation through an inquiry into the life and work of Pablo Picasso, his development as an artist and the creation of the first abstract style in art .

Questions of inquiry: 
- Who was Pablo Picasso
(Inquiry: Students will learn about the life and work of Pablo Picasso)
- Why was Picasso's work outstanding and important for other artists?
(Inquiry: Students will learn about Picasso's development as an artist and the creation of the first abstract style in art)
- Why did 20th century artists choose to paint abstract?
(Inquiry: Students will learn about the different ways of expression in realistic and abstract art and the reasons that led to the development of abstract styles.)
- Is there a more valuable style of art than others?
(Inquiry: Students will discuss the meaning of artistic expression.)

May 31st, Impressions from this unit:
Grade 6 has been working a lot on abstract art. We've been looking at the life and work of Pablo Picasso, especially at some of his his portraits. The students were to create a mask-like abstract  portrait in clay. To prepare and plan their mask, students created paper samples. Examples below:

After the students had worked out the main facial features and a concept for their mask in paper, the clay masks were made. Students had to build the masks with different layers of shapes and add texture.



Friday 24. March 2017
Today we started our unit with a video about Pablo Picasso and his work. Students learned about different Periods in his life and his work. 

seen in class:
Video link:  Picasso at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
intersesting to watch:

OBS: For our creative project with clay we'll need rolling pins. It would be great, if you have an old one in spare to bring to class. We could also wrap plastic foil around the rolling pin, so it can still be used for baking.

Unit 4:

 Abstract Moose inspired by 
prehistoric scandinavian rock carvings
Statement of inquiry 
Students will understand that abstraction was an early form of artistic expression through an inquiry into prehistoric rock carvings from Alta, Norway and an exploration of the elements of art: texture.

Questions of inquiry: 
What is prehistoric art?
What are the rock carvings of Alta?
What are the elements of art?
How can we create texture when drawing and painting?
Is so called prehistoric art  real ART?

Global Concept:
Identities and Relationships
Key Concept:
Related Concept:

The aesthetics of genres like folk art can be formed by many people to express their identity 



Create an abstract version of a moose. Work out the most distinctive features and try to simplify your drawing. (Your moose photo and your realistic drawings should help you to make an abstract contour drawing .) You got it when your drawing doesn’t show more than necessary to recognise a moose.
Next: focus on the antlers. Exaggerate the antlers through enlarging them in size. Now, fill your moose drawing with pattern to create an abstract texture (simulate a texture). 

Paint a background with watercolour, using salt to create another form of texture. Use only two colours for your sky and landscape. On a separate paper make different samples of colour combinations before you colour your landscape.

Your exploration (realistic drawings and pattern design will be part of your grade. 


Test: You demonstrate your understanding of the relationship between prehistoric art and its context when you know how, why, and when prehistoric art was made.

Grade 6 students worked on their final drawing of an abstract moose and practised to create patterns.
Next week we'll have a pre-test about prehistoric art to prepare for the summative task.

Homework due 17/2/17
prepare for pre test, use link below:

Stone Age Art:

Friday 3. Feb. 2017
Today students created an abstract version of a moose, after they had practised to draw a realistic moose. Below some examples:

Unit 3:

The Swedish Dala Horse 

Statement of inquiry 

Students will understand that  folk art can express a culture’s identity  through an inquiry into the history of the Swedish Dala Horse (Dalahäst) and the elements of art: colour and line.

Questions of inquiry: 

What is folk art?

What is the Swedish Dala Horse?

What are the elements of art?

How can we explore colour through printing?

Is folk art old fashioned?

Global Concept:

Identities and Relationships

Key Concept:


Related Concept:



The aesthetics of genres like folk art can be formed by many people to express their identity 

Unit 2:

Dia de los muertos
The Mexican day of the dead

Statement of inquiry:

Students will understand thatVarious cultures have differing views of life and deathThrough an inquiry intothe Mexican "Dia de los muertos” and its artistic expression in Mexican Art and Folk Art.

Key Concept:

Related Concept:
expression, visual culture

Related Concept:
expression, visual culture

Questions of inquiry:

What celebration is the Mexican "Dia de los muertos"? What do Mexican sugar sculls symbolise?

How does the Dia de los muertos find its artistic expression in Mexican Art and Folk Art? How can an understanding of the Elements of Art: line, colour, and shape help us to make artistic choices when creating a sugar scull?


Do we still need cultural celebrations like the Dia de los Muertos in our modern lifes?


Friday, 11th November, 2016
Today all students worked hard on their sugar sculls. Amazing results so far! Grade 6, please remember to come in on Thursday and Friday between 12.00 and 12.30 if you want to continue and finish your sculls!
Watch the video about the Dia de los muertos traditions again.

Watched in school:

National Museum of Mexican Art

Dia de Los Muertos: A Brief Overview
National Hispanic Cultural Center 

TIP! Also worth watching:

Friday, 4th November, 2016
Grade 6 continued to work on their sugar scull drawings. We focused on symmetry, pattern and space.
No Homework

Friday, 28th October, 2016

We started today's lesson with the student's ideas how to create a positive and inspiring working atmosphere in the artroom. The class came up with good suggestions to reward positive attitude and behaviour, which we put in practice right away. At the end of a lesson we nominate and reward:
  • the artist of the day (for constant efforts)
  • the group with best behaviour and attitude
  • students who showed action and initiative (for example in their homework)

with house points.  

We also agreed on consequences for undesired behaviour. 
1. student receives a reminder to our classroom agreement
2. student gets a verbal warning
3. letter to parents 

It was a pleasure to teach grade 6 today and to give so many house points for their good effort! Thumbs up!

Students started their sugar scull drawings today. We focused on symmetry and pattern.

Here some examples:

No Homework

Friday, 21st October, 2016

Grade 6 started their new unit about the the Mexican Day of the Dead / Dia de Los Muertos.

These are the videos we watched in class (find more in the Art folder on the shared MYP drive):

Homework, due 28th October

Draw patterns and decorative elements that you can use for your sugar scull. Find detils and inspirations here.

Unit 1:

Art in Ancient Egypt

Statement of inquiry: 

Most Ancient Egyptian Art was not meant to be seen.

Global Context: Orientation in time/space

Key Concepts: Culture

Related Concepts: style, visual culture

Questions of inquiry:

What was the purpose and function of Ancient Egyptian Art?

1.) How does their art reflect Ancient Egyptians culture and beliefs?
2.) Why does Egyptian art seem to not have changed over more than 3000 years?

Egyptian artefacts in museums around the world should be returned to Egypt’. 

Your Assessment Task and Rubric:

Friday 30th September, 2016

Today grade 6 students worked on the layout of their posters and started to draw and decorate a border for their posters.

Students can chose Hieroglyphics or Egyptian bandage designs to decorate their border. 

The following links shall help you to create your poster: 
Border design:
Bandage designs


Balance between text, illustration and background:

Info graphic

Your assessment criteria:
Your assessment criteria / link to rubric

Friday 21th September, 2016

No Art lesson due to a field trip to an exhibition with grade 5.

Friday 16th September, 2016

As a part of our inquiry into Ancient Egyptian Art, students have made face drawings in the style of Ancient Egyptian painting - heads shown from the side, eyes and shoulders from the front. We used oil pastels for brighter results. 

I greatly enjoyed to see students do the brave step from their pencil drawing to the pastel colouring! The results are stunning!
I can't stop looking at the these Egyptians! They really show personality, just like the grade 6 artists who created them. Well done!

Browse the Art folder (MYP drive) reading tab. You'll find various information about Ancient Egyptian Art. Can you tell 5 facts about Egyptian art? The drawing tab provides you with templates you can use for home drawing.

Friday 26th August, 2016

Today Grade 6 students were introduced to their first unit: Art in Ancient Egypt. We talked about the statement of inquiry and the inquiry questions we want to answer throughout the unit.
Note: All students took a print version of the unit summary home, which shows slightly different questions of inquiry. After our class discussion today I adjusted the Debatable Question to the prior knowledge of the students. I also added a second Conceptual Question.

We watched a video about Ancient Egypt (link below) and I was very glad to see the class watching and listening carefully. All questions about  the seen could be answered by the students! Great job grade 6!

The students chose to take a reading task home instead of reading about the History of Ancient Egypt in class next Friday. Why? To save their class time for more creative activities! I hear you grade 6! ;-)
A digital copy of their homework can be found the shared MYP drive- G6 Arts.

This is the link to the video

Friday 19th August, 2016

Our 1st art lesson started with an art quizz about all kinds of art and art styles across the world and times.
Students then worked on a collaborative project as an introduction to this unit which will be continued next lesson.

Read through the handout about Egyptian Art. (A dicital copy can be found on the shared MYP drive- G6 Arts.)

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